The Geeks' Den: What happened to Friendcsv for Backups on Facebook?

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Monday, July 20, 2009

What happened to Friendcsv for Backups on Facebook?

This was a handy little application I have used on Facebook a couple of times. Basically through Facebook you would go to this app and request a .csv file be sent to you from Friendcsv via email.

The .csv file would include a list of all of your contacts plus the following info:

User ID, Name, Sex, Birthday, About Me, Current Location, Hometown, Profile Link, Profile Pic Link, High Shool Year, Education Location, Work, & Affiliations.

Apart from being an excellent contacts backup tool, I used two export files from approx 1 year between the two to work out who I have unfriended or have been unfriended by (Made an interesting list). Plus I managed to get all the data and import birthdays and pics etc into my Outlook Contacts which has been really helpful for remembering all my friends birthdays (there’s almost 800 and counting so far).

At this stage it looks like it has been removed from Facebook apps, possibly because it violated Facebook’s Terms Of Service (TOS).

I sent an email to Dan Birdwhistell, one of the creators from Bigsight to find out what happened, but so far have not heard anything back (unsurprising as he probably has a busy schedule).

Old Friendcsv Link:


Maybe the guys at TechCrunch might be able to help me shed some light.

UPDATE: See my post here for some alternative applications to use to backup friends/event members/group members on Facebook.


  1. Meanwhile, put the app "friend table" in your profile tab and copy paste.

  2. Thanks Alejandro, i've created a new post with information on the Friend Table plus a few other options.
