The Geeks' Den: How to Guide: Jailbreak iPhone 3G, 3GS, iPod touch with Firmware 3.1.2

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Monday, October 26, 2009

How to Guide: Jailbreak iPhone 3G, 3GS, iPod touch with Firmware 3.1.2

Just completed jailbreaking my iPhone with firmware update 3.1.2 using blackra1n RC2. I have created a pdf document with steps that I used:

How to Jailbreak iPhone Firmware 3.1.2

Some important notes before we begin:

  • Backup your iPhone using itunes so all your contacts/phone numbers can be restored after cracking the device. Your apps may need to be loaded on again after separately however if the phone needs to be restored.
  • You must have iTunes 9 installed and you must be on firmware 3.1.2, if you are not, be sure to update via iTunes.
  • The iPhone can be restored back to normal using itunes without any trace of Jailbreaking anytime.
  • blackra1n RC2 works with all iPhone and iPod touches, but the newer iPod touch and iPhone are only tethered jailbreaks. Tethered means that you will need to run blackra1n each time you reboot your iPhone or iPod touch.

Step 1: Get the tools.
Download the following software:
Blackra1n RC2 (Windows) -
Blackra1n RC2 (Mac) -
Download the iPhone OS 3.1.2 IPSW file for your device and save it to your desktop. Here are the file names for each device, make sure you have the right one:

iPhone 3.1.2 - filename:,1_3.1.2_7D11_Restore.ipsw
(iPhone1,1_3.1.2_7D11_Restore.ipsw, 241 MB)

iPhone 3G 3.1.2 - filename:,2_3.1.2_7D11_Restore.ipsw
(iPhone1,2_3.1.2_7D11_Restore.ipsw, 242 MB)

iPhone 3GS 3.1 - filename:,1_3.1.2_7D11_Restore.ipsw
iPhone 3GS 3.1 download (iPhone2,1_3.1.2_7D11_Restore.ipsw, 306 MB)

1. If you have recently updated your firmware you won’t need to download this, and you can find the file locally here - Win XP only, replace username with your username:

C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\Apple Computer\iTunes\iPhone Software Updates).

2. Don’t use Safari to download iPhone 3.1.2 IPSW files, instead use another browser. Safari downloads this as a .ZIP and iTunes is not able to recognize the firmware that way.

Step 2. Open the blackra1n application.

Step 3. Click the ‘make it ra1n button’.


Step 4. Your iPhone or iPod Touch will reboot once blackra1n has completed and you should see the blackra1n icon on there. If you don’t see the blackra1n icon, go to the last page on your iDevice and you should see it.

Step 5. Install your preferred Installer from the blackra1n app. You have the option of choosing Cydia, Icy, or Rock. I don’t recommend you install them all at once, because that may cause problems. Install them one at a time.

My Installer of choice is Rock as it is the latest and greatest, faster and has a backup functionality for your apps when re-jailbreaking.

Issues When Jailbreaking (How to RESTORE the iPhone back to Normal):
The first time I tried jailbreaking my iPhone, after the first jailbreak the phone would not restart correctly and just stayed on the Apple (was then a Pineapple) logo logon screen.

To fix this I had to force the Phone into recovery mode and restore the phone back to ORIGINAL settings:

• Hold the top button and home button down until it turned off.
• Once it's turned off, plug the iPhone into your PC.
• Press and hold the "Home" button and keep holding the "Home" button until you see a dock cable pointing to the iTunes icon on the iPhone screen.
• Open iTunes (if it's not already open) and you will be told that "iTunes has detected an iPhone in recovery mode".
• Click "OK" and you will be taken to the iPhone pane. Click restore and your iPhone will load back to its original untouched state (a firmware file may need to be downloaded to your pc if you don’t have it locally already).

Once the restore was complete, I then tried the above process of Jailbreaking the iPhone again, however now I could use the Firmware file that was downloaded directly from Apple for my iPhone. The file was found in the following directory on my pc (Win XP):
C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\Apple Computer\iTunes\iPhone Software Updates

Apps to Try:

The following is a list of Apps that are noteworthy to try out:
• Winterboard
• Five Icon Dock
• Cycorder - Video Recording
• Supreme Preferences
• SBSettings
• Flashlight (Much brighter than the paid for app)
• Lockinfo - Display Calendar, Email, SMS, Weather, Twitter etc. on the lock screen of the phone.
• NES – NES Emulator to install ROM games on your phone.
• Snes4iphone – Super Nintendo Emulator (See this Doc - for a How To Guide)
• MxTube - Download Youtube videos directly to your phone.

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