The Geeks' Den: Temporary Work Around - iPhone Firmware 3.0.1 dropping sound/audio from calls.

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Thursday, August 27, 2009

Temporary Work Around - iPhone Firmware 3.0.1 dropping sound/audio from calls.

Every since I updated my iPhone to Firmware 3.0.1 the sound in my phone calls would randomly drop off. The call doesn’t actually cut off, but the sound would “mute” where I can hear the other person, but they cannot hear me.

The firmware patch 3.0.1 was sent out to fix the SMS (text) messaging hole, however they seem to have broken the audio function during phone calls. This affects ANY version of the iPhone (original, 3G, 3GS) running the updated firmware.

When Apple releases the next Firmware (v3.1) in a few weeks this will apparently be fixed.

Temporary Work Around:

When you’re on a call and the audio suddenly drops, look down and turn on your speaker phone, then turn it immediately off again. It somehow reactivates the audio.

Additionally, this problem seems to occur less when you are not using the 3G network. So you can use the EDGE network more often if you want. (under Settings, General, Network) Turn off “Enable 3G”. This will reduce your internet speeds, but improve call quality. If you want to surf, you can turn it back on.

FYI, here is the patch they originally released for the SMS fix:

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